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Rene Schute - Think outside the box

Rene Schute – Think outside the box

I’ve reached a moment where the phrase “think outside the box” begins to make personal sense to me…I understand, and respect, people who are content and truly happy to have their life conforming with all regular society’s expectations, fitting precisely inside the invisible society’s box. Inside the box you usually will find a job, not necessarily one that you dreamed about, but one that pays the bills; you will find a husband, a couple of kids; you find family vacations and a sense of security. Life inside the box is usually safe and predictable. I think that’s great. Truly, I do! Being happy with what you have, especially with what you think you should have, is truly a blessing! It is just not for me!!

Not everyone is capable of easily fitting inside the box…For some people, for me, the constraints of this box, which delimits what life should be, is just suffocating. For people who make “thinking outside the box” a living method, dreaming and achieving new horizons is just fuel to keep pushing the boundaries. I respect those who are happy inside the box. What I CANNOT accept is their extreme efforts to try to push me inside it with them!!! If I don’t try to decorate your box, STOP TRYING TO LOCK ME INSIDE IT WITH YOU!!

I honestly came to resent people’s “good intentions” and “hopes” for my future! It’s about time everyone realized my future is MINE to make! The mistakes, the right moves, the disappointments and the achievements. I choose to live by my dreams and to risk uncertainty for the possibility of great unimagined happiness!

This is what people who spend too much time focusing on other people’s life choices are really doing: they are actually trying to discourage others to do what they wish they could have the guts to do themselves!

My point is: stop focusing on other people’s businesses. Take care of your life, of your box, of your happiness. Focus on what life you dream for yourself and work hard to get there. It doesn’t matter in what, if any, box you will fit! Not all of us need to be inside to reach fulfillment and happiness!